As a R9 Fury X owner I'll be very upset if they don't offer any of the new features for us older GCN users. If that's the case then I probably won't get another AMD card ever again.
You repeat it with replace amd with nvidia when you own one of theirs.
grass ain't greener on the other side.
Memory improvements for high memory usage scenarios improving performance up to 10%*
One may see that in an nvidia driver and see 25% performance loss on a GTX970 which is one of the most sold cards and then it never ever gets fixed again so you're stuck at a 375 driver or something never getting anything again.
Depends on the system, some only play CS and never notice it and is perfectly happy while others play newer titles at 1440P and have to go down to low on settings while a RX480 does high...( they're equally fast really!)
I ain't saying nvidia is particularly bad but being in both camps I cannot say under Windows life is easier, worse and what not with either brand because I simply have issues with Both.
It's just... different issues.
Conclusion is just buy what gives bang for the buck, have either AIB or reference card that you're fine with hardware wise.
and think a year in advance(Future game tech, performs well in new engines) and it should be a decent buy regardless of brand cause both camps will upset you eventually.
My take on the topic with now 110+ gpu ownerships behind me with roughly 50\50 split between the camps.