@blindfitter - You underclocking these CPU's a little too much?? 4.5Mhz??

I'm pretty sure it's 4.5Ghz
I'm glad to see you finally made it in the top 10

I suppose if I tweaked my systems to do one task I could get there, but I just let them do all of them and be done with it

I'm very much liking the 18th place

Hopefully when I can get another heatsink at least from work for my R710 that other X5650 will add a little more grunt to my crunching power
I have found the problem with the crunching as well guys in that running VMware for running Linux, the performance has been cut as it's only really looking at the cores, not so much the threads, so whilst the power consumption is a lot lower, so it the performance as you'd expect.. I might have a look into running Linux on the server from an SSD rather than with the raid cards etc that's in this beast and then see where I go...