ive noticed this often with Win10, there are quite a few "administrator" controlled areas, folders, policies, etc , and its frustrating, since IM the administrator. I know certain things are supposed to be blocked ,but it just seems like I've run into them more often in windows 10 than I did in Windows 7.
Yeah, it feels like "Big Brother knows best for you and says No." Damned annoying.
I remember when I was learning how to set up Active Directory using Windows Server 2008 (I think that was the name - anyway it was the server version of Vista) a few years ago. By default, it wanted a password for the AD admin account (no more local accounts!) and it had complexity requirements attached to it, too. However, considering that this was a home system built for tinkering, wiping, rebuilding etc, I wanted the convenience of no password to log in.
I found the Group Policy section for it, but the options to remove these restrictions were greyed out. Apparently this was due to a higher level GP overriding it, but could I find it? Like hell I could! No amount of Googling or ferreting around solved this one. I was so pissed off, I tell you.
I still have that old PC, it's my E8500 system, but there's a hardware fault on it preventing it from turning on (beeps only) and I haven't gotten round to troubleshooting it yet. It may or may not be fixable.