Finished Assassin's creed Origins.
Taste is difficult notion. However since here it's all about gaming, I would like to place in balance what can you get right now for the same money. Hard to overpass AC Origins in terms of value. No such thing as a perfect game, but for what is worth in 2018 the content and spectacle is huge.
One important thing comes to mind: we are very far away from actual intelligent A.I. Year after year, they keep bring new games, and the biggest AAA titles always create open world games where, in their advertisement, the worlds are more full of "life" and real as ever.
In reality,it all feels incredibly empty, repetitive and dull. Blows my mind,since I know nothing of creating a video game, how this multi billion company Ubisoft was not able to implement more than 4 different dialog lines for static npc's that you randomly interact with in the world. Yeah, if you bump in or pass by them for the entire duration of the game you get 2 type of voice acting, from 2 type of actors (female and male - so 2 salaries where paid ) that say 2 different things. Total of 4 lines. What would have been the effort to bring in 50 actors and give them enough dialog so while running around with Bayek and interacting with npc you will feel that is a more real world ?
The npc barely move, everything is very still and dull, and the world does not feel alive at all. And bare in mine, AC Origins has the most realistic open world in an open game that was ever created. If you like open world games, this is the epiphany of these types of games! Ubisoft has managed to crush the competition with the best open world experience, that is still super bad becuase I guess the technology is not there yet..... ? I don't know.
I always like to look at a video game, and to determine either how good it is , by placing myself in the shoes of a non-gamer person. If I would give Origins to a person who does not play video games,would it be good ? I strongly believe the answer is clearly NO.
Open worlds don't have the technology to impress or to be fun. They are made for us, gamers... because we approach them from a different point of view.
My mom played Xbox Kinect and has a blast. I know some one else from my family that loved Fifa, and a colleague of mine at work really enjoyed playing with his daughter Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. That's why people in general just like
@Drone will probably like Fantasia (or whatever that game is ) more than any of these open world expensive AAA titles. And that's why games that from a blind spot, don't take themselves so seriously and just deliver on exactly what they where made for.
Open world games like Origins will not deliver, and probably wont do so for many years to come. As you can see they are very much put aside. Giving Mario an award at the end of 2017 rather then Origins. The industry and people are no longer impressed with open world.
Coming back to just what Origins was:
- The story was kinda bad, up until the end and kinda boring,it had a strong turn .
- After you embark on the quest with Cleopatra, you can stop and lvl up some more. But for me it was pointless,cuz the story kinda pushes you are always on the run and just focus on the main events. From an immersion point of view, your just not gonna stop, lvl up on side quests for 4 more days and then get back to the npc to trigger the next moment of the story. Once you start that part you need to go all the way, and that is what I did.
- One of the final bosses is an elephant. Very sad,and I was completely against it...almost deleted the game, cuz I did not want to hurt the elephant. Seriously Ubisoft, they had to make the bad guy an animal that is almost extinct and tortured in real world as it is ?! That was disgusting!
- There is a lot of hard work and searching to get the final outfit (the hidden one)
This is me running around on what seams to be a very small portion of the map. Still it took 1 hour yeah the map is big: