I use 1.21V with High LLC for my 4.8Ghz 8600k, why not lower your vcore ?
I do mixed workloads from time to time, like updating Win7 ISO´s with DISM, so also having a GTX670 (my bottleneck any day of the week), it doesnt make sense to me to OC past the normal Turbo bins or fiddel with lowering volts, its minimal gains vs the possibility of something not being 100% stable in the long run
Btw, you replied to my correction in regards to Realtemp logging wrong clocks, i do run at stock, but thats manualy punching in clocks and volts except vCore, the point here was leaving all settings at "stock" aka auto, would be 4,7Ghz @ 1,47v, wihtc is NOT truely stock as this would be 4,3Ghz @ around 1,27v
my asus board has an auto 5 gig setting.. it runs 1.34 -ish volts.. at 4.8 it runs 1.264..
my 7700K was about the same.. the temps are also about the same.. my 8700K is maybe just tad cooler than my 7700K was but not my much.. 6 cores running cooler than 4 cores dosnt make a lot of sense to me but it does seem the case..
both chips hit heat problems and are limited by heat.. i run mine all cores at 4.8 gig.. 5 gig being a little too hot for my liking..
my memory is running at xmp 3200..
Like i wrote in my previous post, you cant leave IO/SA on auto on Z370 boards and expect them to hit the mark spot on, they will throw way too much volt out to compensate for working out of the box, and its does, it just adds loads of unneeded heat.
I just turned on XMP and it got turned on MSI z370 Gaming M5....CAM started giving me 100c warnings....freaked me out...was 65c at idle when it was 28c prior.
You need to lock in the IO/SA volts, and if doing OC, vCore and LLC ofc (this one is important, Auto on my MSI SLI Plus board is really bad when you start changing vCore)
Look at my post #170 what i wrote there regarding IO/SA volts, as these are the ones XMP will highly effect if left on auto