Sometimes I wish there was a fanboy tag under someone's name so that I know when to not waste my time trying to discuss something.
My bad , it should have been obvious to me from the very beginning but hey.
Sure owning an R5 1600 and an R9 290 before that makes me clearly an Nvidia fanboy right ?
I mean i dont mind you when you are short of logical arguments obviusly thats the only thing left for peoples like you nowadays .
Talking about fanboys, have a nice day sir !!!
Lol. Are you aware you are talking about a company that takes any chance it can to milk people (G-Sync, Founders Edition)?
There is shortage in supplies (RAM) and massive demand for GPUs on the market. They are not dumb and will most certainly raise the MSRP, and MSRP is only the tip of the iceberg. I would be surprised if next gen GPUs won't cost at least as much as Pascal does now ($100+ over MSRP) when they hit the market. Unless ... they are artificially crippled at mining ...
First of all peoples just need to stop with this milking meme . Not only this is a childish argument but it shows a luck of constructive arguments . Do you think AMD or Intel or any other big company don't milk their customers ? Yeah let me laugh .
Now this being said and even considering Nvidia does everything to "milk" their customers as you like to say , how is this contradicting my argument ? The ultimate goal for Nvidia is to sell more cards . Yes or No ? The answer is obviusly yes so let me tell you that you dont sell more cards by making them less available .It simply doesnt make sense. Of course im not expecting them to sell at Pascal MSRP for some of the reasons you mentioned but im not expecting them at astronomical prices neither since it will make litle sense . Why sell only few cards at very high price compared to last gen price when you can sell tons of those at a still higher but non the less reasonable price ( +50$ compared to last gen MSRP looks reasonable ).
I mean it's not like peoples had the same stupid arguments before Pascal launch saying prepare to pay Titan (Maxwell) pricetag for the xx80 part yet 1080 MSRP ended up being only 50$ more than 980 ones .
You have to keep in mind that GPU's cost as much as they do today mainly because of 3rd party retailers not GPU manufacturers .Infact GPU manufacturers gain litle to nothing from this situation . Its not a belief it's a fact related by serius tech channels like Gamer Nexus .
Making two lines of a similar product to adress both gaming and mining markets makes indeed much sense and it will allow to Nvidia to sell tons of cards while keeping a reasonable price at least for the gaming part of things .
Am i saying this is what's going to happen ? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Im just giving my opinion on what seems to be an easy win for them .