Could you implement a subsection in the OC part of your reviews dealing with accuracy of the displayed voltages in BIOS/software vs. real voltages meassured with a multimeter?
For sure I could. However, it's not something that is worth the time, honestly, since most boards are actually close enough for it to not matter.
you should never trust software readings 100%. they simply do not have the measurement resolution to really show what's going on. in reality, there will be all sorts of spikes and low points that software either does not catch, or has been written to ignore. It's just impossible for software to truly be accurate in the home user environment, and there are several businesses (such as FLUKE) that will sell you more capable hardware-based tools for hundreds of dollars, which is in most instances more than a motherboard costs. When A toolk costs more than the product you are testing, you can always expect some inaccuracy.
I will ALWAYS report anything I find that might be worth paying attention to. I mean, obviously I am looking at things like this with every boards, although it is not always mentioned if it falls within what I consider acceptable limits (which changes with every board, slightly).