I am really sorry but none of these pictures show a lack of AA. The in-game screenshot clearly shows AA is working, as does the Google search results screenshot (though that is TrueType at work, not the same thing).
There is a difference between 'seeing a jaggy' and AA being off. You're still limited to your display resolution and once you start focusing on the actual pixels of course you can see them.
You have provided the best proof of AA being active yourself. Those 'jaggies' you see on the structures in the distance when you zoom in, only appear once you are zoomed in so far on the screen that you can actually SEE the black lines between pixels. In other words, what you are doing is literally 'counting pixels'. You can count all day, but until you buy a monitor with a higher pixel density, that simply won't go away. And even with a higher pixel density, if you would put a microscope on it you would still see the same effect.
Its called physical limitations, not 'lack of AA'. You can be convinced all you want that something is wrong, but its not. Enjoy your rig, now go play games.
EDIT: Just noticed this is a necro and also that I was already convinced these people have lost the plot. Funny how with new 'evidence' I arrive at the same conclusion

Note to self: LOOK AT THE DATES
No. You aren't special. You just convinced yourself that you are. Everything we see is called a perception of reality. We can convince ourselves that something is red, while everyone else sees it as blue. And its very difficult to 'unsee' that once you are convinced of it. For some people it even requires therapy.