I'll be sure to take a look

Yeah Brend and I keep in touch, been a long time since I've seen him face to face, been even longer till I can get to see him too!

Still never mind.. Be worth seeing him when I can make it over there !!
I still have that game for the Amiga.. Was one of my most favourite games ever!! That said I wonder if number 2 was better....
Well I've had a disappointing day today guys.. MY X58-OC is in need of a replacement CPU socket.. I've hooked it up to one of my new PSUs and couldn't get a post and the rig would just instantly shut down.. I took off the cooler and took out the CPU and found this...
View attachment 100638
So I'd been prodding around in there and managed to get it working but with only 2 out of the 6 memory slots working. Sadly me being me I wanted to try and get more of it working which had only lead to more of it not working.. I'm not sure if a CPU socket can be swapped out but I'm already writing it off as a dead board.. Good way to waste £160 I suppose on a good paper weight.. People lesson is, always check your Ebay purchases as soon as possible.. I remember unboxing it and looking at it (from the pics I've taken and saved) but I never checked the CPU socket.. What a numpty.... Still, if anyone knows of someone or even if Gigabyte might swap it out for me, I'd be dead excited to hear from you.. There's a few on Ebay and one finishing tomorrow, so I'll be grabbing that one I think.. Not what I had in mind but I'm not going to have something here that's dead and of no use to me.. I might even message the guy who I bought the board from and let him know that it's not working.. Still not sure he'll care to much right now....