They had me pretty much back on their team. Right up until GPP. As soon as I saw that I said "you know what? FUCK YOU!!! You just lost a potential customer. Probably for life!". Stupid assholes. Yes...I will by an "inferior" product. Even if it costs more. And I'll be perfectly happy with it. So long as it doesn't have your filthy ass name on it!
Can't wait to pick up a Vega 64 now that it can be had at MSRP. GTX 1080 is better for same price? Good for you. Don't care. Not in the least. Truth is I don't really need something as good as either one. Had my eye on a GTX 1070. Now I'm just gonna throw as much money as I can AMD's way just to prove a point. Take that bitches!
Aren't you being a little bit of a hypocrite now?
You are literally admitting you don't need the performance beyond what a 1070 has to offer. So the middle finger to Nvidia only applies because you don't 'need them'.. What happens when AMD cannot offer the performance you want? Still going to remain loyal? I doubt that. Or will you pick up on Raja's advice to crossfire a number of AMD cards to rival the competition

? Some food for thought I think... And its not directed at you personally but more in a broad sense: with all those people having principles, we still see Nvidia monopolizing the market. How is that possible, simple: people are hypocrites.
There is another way to do this: get the pitchforks out every time
either company does things that really shouldn't happen and create a storm that cannot be ignored. I mean, let's look at recent AMD blunders too: RX560D, the very misleading FreeSync+Vega deal and launch MSRP that virtually no one managed to get his hands on... it doesn't really shine with honesty either does it? The only real difference I see is that AMD is just not good at it... and Nvidia is, although GPP was almost AMD-level PR stupid. The reason it got shot is because a storm was raised. Thát is where consumers have power these days and where collective effort has weight; direct response through social media. A boycot is not nearly as effective, especially when gamers are not the primary source of income for these companies. But losing face and brand strength? That hurts throughout each division.
In that sense I applaud videos such as these, they add to the storm we 'need'. But its also easy to create a storm with the wrong arguments. (Example: Gameworks I feel is a wrong argument, GPP and 3.5GB were valid arguments).
Nvidia fangirls didn't watch the video and are crying, big surprise. Just STFU and masturbate to Mr. Leather Jacket since you love him so much.
fun fact: Jim doesn't say anything about ATI/AMD, b/c that's not the focus of the video (he points that out). Had you watched it (or any of his vids), then you'd realize he's not fanboying or choosing sides, but simply delivering a message based in REALITY (I know, NV fangirls have a hard time with this). If you think he hasn't slammed AMD're dead wrong. Some people must have missed the intel videos, b/c their fanboys got destroyed even when it was just comparing FX series LOLOLOLOLOLOL
You know our society is a dead end when just pointing out facts is met with aggression, complete denial and redirection of blame. Hmmm, sounds like AMD, NV and Intel CEOs should run for offices!
Why do you have to do this? You've just lowered the value of this topic to close-worthy with a single post. Complete with full caps and fangirl comments... You're awfully close to my ignore list like this. Grow up man. Your last sentence, is that a retrospective on yourself or what?