Ah... by implied admission, you've watched the entire 1hr+ vid? You mean theres more to it than what its title states (Nvidia - Anti-Competitive, Anti-Consumer, Anti-Technology)? By a Youtuber who has an established track record with similar vids and very clear position where he stands? OK... just not sure ANY topic about ANY company could compel me to spend an hour of my time on, regardless of who its from or any pros or cons that may be part of it. Would have to be a topic very dear and important to me with a clear vested interest in it for me (and certainly far more important in my life than any HW company can be). But hey, if you felt it worth your while, guess thats what counts. Now you are brimming with all the important facts and info that you can validly base your next ethical HW purchase on (if you werent already).