Besides that everything you wrote is utterly wrong because the number is based on the horizontal pixel count, and not the vertical one.
1920 x 1080 is the most 2K you'll get today in monitors, with 1920 horizontal pixels.
960 x 540 could be considered 1K, simply because the pixel count is exactly quartered, just like 1080p is compered to 2160p, or how 8K UHD has exactly X4 the pixels 4K has.
If you really wanna knock yourself out, invent a resolution called 0.5K, as long as its around 480 x 270
google is hard. Thanks for that title change btw.
still feels wrong to use the width rather than the height over the base , but lets take it like that, then.
1440p is not 2K if you take 540p as 1k and using the width ... (although it's 2.5k oohhh now i get why my 2880x1620p is called 3k

) tho you wrote that "everything is utterly wrong beside" "1k is HD is 720p"
oh well ...
"Monster Hunter World PC Performance Estimates Pop Up; GeForce GTX 1080 Insufficient for 60 FPS 2.5K" or even QHD/WQHD
(1K is 1024x540, 2K is 2048x1080 and 4K 4096x2160 in reality ... if you want to be precise )
tho the part about god being murdered by us got me writing my previous post

and i got in a adequately themed fantasy setup it seems (kittens are more important) and nope, didn't use google just what i have always heard and well ... flawed logic... (if i did use google ... welll QHD/WQHD is .... 4 time HD resolution.... eh? not since HD is 1280x720P hehe, by pixel count and not width or height at equivalent surface ... it is actually )