Delusional, what's next the Flat Earth poll ? The most hysterical thing about this claim is that for the most part these adjustments actually work against the case that global warming is hoax . Adjustments are a normal and necessary part of the scientific process as otherwise data is meaningless. Let's look at a more familiar example..... has the relative price of the top GFX card as part of your typical gone up (recent tariff impacted, old generatio inventories aside) since 2000 ? At 1st glance the Gefore 2 Ultra in 2000 was $500 and the 1080 Ti was $700 would have most folks claiming yes. I won't say they are wring, they just need to educate themselves because they are misinformed. The relative cost of any item historically must be adjusted for inflation. When we do, we see that if you had $400 in 2000, it would be worth 4700 today. So yes, the cost of the two cards when adjusted for inflation is the same $700. As income changes and the cost of everything else went up in 17 years, any data without this adjustment can only be described with one word "meaningless".
The properties of materials change dependent upon pressure and temperature. A cu.ft. of air weighs less on the top of a mountain than it does at sea level. Ever notice the finger joints in the roadway when you drive over a bridge . Thats to allow for the thermal expansion of the bridge due to changing temperatures. The bridge itself is 7 feet longer ans 12 feet lower i the summer than it is in the winter ... so which number do you use as a matter of record ?
The same thing is being done here. It is well known that the temperature of seawater changes with depth from surface as warmer rises and is additionally heated bu the suns rays and also affected by wind. So if you record surface water temperatures of 75F on a calm sunny day at noon and 73F the following cloudy day of 73C at 12 feet below the surface is any of the data useable for the purposes of comparison ? Of course not. Amont the various differences in sampling procedure we can include:
a) Where was bucket stored in hours before sampling (in shade or out in sun)
b) Size of bucket
c) Material of bucket
d) How many feet below surface was sample taken
e) Was thermometer used tested against a standard
So in order to make the measurements useful, sample variations are laboratory tested. You have been usin g a certain thermometer for 2 weeks and then test it against a calibrated standard and it shows that the thermometer you were using was reading 2C high... not to make this adjustment would bad science. The same with all the other variables, you test and see whether they are significant or not and for the ones which prove significant, you apply the appropriate adjustment.
Later they changed from the bucket method to the cooling water intake sampling method. It was immediately recognized that taking this measurement at 12 feet of depth would result in lower tempertures so they took both for a period and identified that samples averaged, say for the prposes of discussion, 1.3 - 1.4C colder. Since we are talking about a phenomonon whicg has detected fractions of a degree per decade, how can you not make the appropriate scientific deduction ? It was later realized that engine room amd pipe temperature were impacting measurements so this data was again adjusted. Not to do so renders the data useless.
For land based air temps, you have a measuring site that was in the shade of a large building. That building is demolished, the site is in open sunlight and average temps at the device show a marked increase. Is the air any hotter in the shade than in the sun ? yes and no. The immediate answer is that the temps of the air are exactky the same. In the the sun, it just feels hotter bacuse of the solar radiation. But the measuring instruments and the surfaces around them are absorbing solar radiation which will raise the readings. So what they do is compare the readongs from site no 1124 and 1137 before and after the change. If it is determined that since the buiding was knocked down the average difference between th sampling points went from 0.3C to 0.5C, they would appropriately adjust by 0.2C. It's called the 'scientific process' and has no relation to the "political agenda" process. If these adjustments were not made, the date is useless.
What you are arguing is akin to Wizzard doing a cooler review and reporting CPU temps under testing and NOT making adjustments for changes in ambient temperature between tests.
Method A - Cooler 1 hits 77C at 26C ambient / Cooler 2 hits 77C at 23C ambient, both coolers are the same and this test is reliable cause no one "fiddled" with the numbers.
Method B - Cooler 1 hits 77C at 26C ambient / Cooler 2 hits 77C at 23C ambient, Cooler 2 is the better cooler cause after we "fiddled with" (aka made the appropriate scientific adjustments to) the numbers, 54C delta T is 3C better than 51C delta T.