Well I got sucked back into Sword of the Stars Complete and Void Destroyer 2, finishing a month's long "here and there" save game I started in October for SOTS and having a lot of fun at it, though at the moment a giant ship is going around kicking my ass when it "senses battle preparation"...which I was amassing all my fleets. I've beat him twice, he's beat me 4 times. We shall see if I survive long enough to go against one of the actual AI players as this is just one of the events in the game. Still one of my favorite 4X's...and I'm thinking about starting a new game in Polaris Sector. I did start a new game in Stellaris 2.2, and I'm undecided if I want to keep playing...which is a bad sign that I'll stick with it long enough to even see the mid-game. Shame.
Started a new game in Void Destroyer 2. It's such a fun game, quick to get into and have a lotta fun, but you can also stay for hours and have a blast. For a space sim with an RTS layer and ability to build fleets and essentially an empire (by taking over stations), this title really kicks ass. When Elite Dangerous takes too long and I get bored, this is what I go to. The combat is solid, the flight physics feel like the dev hit the nail on the, the AI is decent, the universe feels alive, and harsh. I have a pretty good mix of ships so far, and had some lucky battles where I really should've died... and then the last battle yesterday evening pummeled me to space dust. Damn was it a great time.
But those screens that
@Vayra86 posted of GR:W have me glad I picked it up and I'm looking forward to playing it, wow were those some beautiful screens...hoping my 980Ti handles the game with good FPS...should since I only play at 1080P. I also have been playing some Doom 2016 with my sons, as my oldest is on a Doom kick lately...we have Doom for PC, SNES, PS1, I mean you name the gaming device...the kid has Doom for it or damn close, lol. Doom 2016 is just entertaining in its pure violent FPS action...ridiculous but good and the level of polish is refreshing. I got distracted from FC2 by my SOTS and VD2 runs...not sure if I'll go back to FC2, or get into FC5. I planj to save GR:W for when I'm done and ready to invest time in it...sounds like it'll be well worth it once I get there!