64 today .... almost didn't make it. Saturday was on my roof cutting up a tree that had fallen in recent storm. It was a 14 feet or so from stump to eave, 22' laying flat on roof and about 30' still sticking up in air .... of course none of my strappling boys showed up (22, 26 and 28) to help, so was just me and another 60+'er. So we started from the top, taking chances holding on to the others belt while other used the chainsaw. Then we did the stump to eave part. Finally we tackled the last part laying on perpendicular to the roof slope, starting with all the branches.
So we were left with just the 14" diameter Locust wood (aka ironwood) trunk left on the roof about 22 feet long. Wasn't going anywhere as it wasn't going to roll down slope since it could only roll left and right along the roof. I went down to get a pry bar so we could get it up few inches above roof w/o cutting into shingles. Bar was leaning on the wall and when I grabbed it, I heard thunder. My buddy had pushed a 4" wide slat of 1/2" plywood into a small opening under the log to use as leverage point and it started rolling ... I ran / dove outta the way and that 1,400 pound log just missed me. So what does this have to do with nerds ? Well my wife had texted / guilt-shamed the kids after it happened. Within next 15 minutes all three kids sent

me the same text.... one had flown to Maine, other was upstate NY and third was playing a D & D like card / board game about 15 miles away, so i don't think they coordinated, but all 3 texts had just 2 words.... the same 2 words. Now that is a typical "nerd response". They said:
"Valar Marghulis" ... and since this is a pretty nerdy crowd, I expect 3/4 won't have to use google to translate.
For reference, all three boys built their 1st PC before they were 10 and most of their friends, neighbors. HS and collage buds, work buddies etc had their PCs built on my workbench or what my wife likes to call "the dining room table" she really hates the giant, grounded Modmat "table cloth"
Moving on, the meaning of the term has changed over the years with many dictionaries listing something like:
"an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person , especially one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits ...examples computer nerd / math nerd". In recent years it's become more of a badge of honor, someone who is technically adept with computers . In 1995 Scott Adams, author of Dilbert Comic Strip write the best article on the subject that I have ever read, calling neds the "Sex Symbols of the 90s". Enjoy the chuckles
My favorite lines regarding nerd's sex appeal ...
"I think it's a Darwinian thing. We're attracted to the people who have the best ability to survive and thrive. In the old days it was important to be able to run down an antelope and kill it with a single blow to the forehead. But that skill is becoming less important every year. Now all that matters is if you can install your own Ethernet card without having to call tech support and confess your inadequacies to a stranger whose best career option is to work in tech support." ... "It's also well established that computer users are better lovers. I know because I heard an actual anecdote from someone who knew a woman who married a computer user and they reportedly had sex many times. I realize this isn't statistically valid, but you have to admit it's the most persuasive thing I've written so far. "