Pretty salty and disappointed about all this, and I am not afraid or timid to say it. The one and only positive announcement from CES for now was Nvidia supporting A-Sync.
I really, REALLY wanted AMD to come with something really disruptive, I deeply dislike Adored, but I hoped he was correct in that video and others, because i want more power for consumers, and corporate greed kept in check. None of that happened. Greed marches forward.
Shame, shame, shame.
There are certain telltale signs I keep repeating to people every product cycle of CPUs or GPUs from AMD, Intel or Nvidia; the final specs with name and especially clock speeds are the last thing the maker decides. The clock speeds are
always decided after they have the final stepping and it has been verified as "qualification samples", that's when they analyze a good volume of final chips, pick the binning and the clock speeds. This usually happens a few weeks ahead of release or in some cases a little longer. But this does not happen before they have the final stepping.
So there is a reason why Lisa Su said things the way she did, it's not that she don't believe in the product, it's the fact that AMD don't have the final stepping yet and haven't decided on the final core configurations and clock speeds. I'm sure they have taped out what they
intend to be the final stepping, but it will still be a while before they get these back from the factory. Also notice that AMD didn't commit to a release date, this could be due to concerns about yields, risk of needing extra steppings or simply potential delays in motherboards/chipsets.
So we know that AMD doesn't know the final specs yet, because the final chips doesn't exist yet, so we therefore know that
anyone who claims to know these specs are lying. We commonly get these "leaks" ahead of releases, and while some of them might be partially based on actual sources, any claims of specific clock speeds etc. months ahead of release is pure speculation. There is nothing wrong in speculating as long as you don't claim it's anything other than that. But there are certain tech websites and opinionators on Youtube who keep coming with these "leaks", fully knowing these to be pure speculation. And people keep "forgiving" them, even though their leaks are all over the place and nearly all the specifics in the "leaks" are wrong, except for the obvious info we all can come up with. So when these "leaks" come from these certain people (you all know who), it's
not leaks, it's fake news trying to drive traffic to their Youtube channel or website.
I might be wrong about this as ryzen 3 sample could be as 10% slow than intel 9900k or equally on cinebench single thread.
I wouldn't speculate too much considering we don't know the clocks of their engineering sample.
But I would mention that for Zen 1 Cinebench is giving AMD more favorable scores than their general performance vs. Intel, and assuming Zen 2 isn't worse than Zen 1, I would expect Zen 2 to be a bit ahead of 9900K in Cinebench to be on par with it on average.