Seagate platta loose all your data
once again we have somebody here having a hard time with the concept that there hardware is slow/failing them
slow hard drive is slow slow cpu is is slow slow ram is slow mediocre gpu is mediocre
what about this concept is hard for you to grasp litterally you are trying to play two titles known for being cpu/memory bound on a slow probly failing platter drive D A DOIIIII
get a proper ssd is your only real option
stop sending him on a wild goose chase is the seagate drive failing PROBABLY they where crap when they where new I have a stack of Dead ST1000's to prove that
also using a dead slow HDD for a pagefile come join us in 2019 that has not been a advisable thing todo since windows xp(and it was so only then because of IDE drive controllers and pathetically slow hard drives)