Ever noticed that most forum warriors don't properly read the comment/understand the comment and jumps to BS argument? I guess you overlooked the part 'most of the'. Yes there are some open world AMD titles like kingdom come or recent fc games and division games, but they also run like crap,just like AC odyssey. The only exception would be fh4. So yeah,try to read the comment carefully first and also try to understand what's been trying to indicate.
Also noticed that people will come up with a made up theory and try to shove it down to other's throat as a fact. "This game is just too much for 192 bit GDDR5" - where's the proof of that?? You just made up a conclusion based on what you 'think' is the case. It's like saying - "ohh that dimly lit light bulb is giving same amount of light as the moon,hence it's proven that the moon and the light bulb are situated at same distance from me"
It's easily noticable that AMD gpus are getting severely unfair advantage compared to nvidia gpus(turing aside) regardless of memory bandwidth across the board.
Ohh and also, this game is too much for 192bit bandwidth? Then how come rtx 2060 with 192bit bandwidth managing to beat Vega 56?? You might say ohh i said gddr5,not gddr6; but that does really make up to get advantage against the 2048 bit and 409GB/s bandwidth of Vega 56 if the bandwidth was actually a factor as you said?? Definitely not.
Also you are mixing up replies from one thread with another thread.
Actually i said AMD sponsored huge open world games also runs like shit/shittier than nvidia titles. I think you thought i said AMD runs shittier than nvidia in ac Odyssey. I didn't mean that.
But since you brought that up, AMD is actually getting worse fps than Nvidia in their own sponsored game which also runs like crap on both brands. So much for 'amd games always run better on gpus from both brands' LOL. Reminds me of deus ex mankind divided and kingdom come. Most AMD games aren't graphically intensive(i said most,not all, don't get triggered like that other guy plz),and whenever they are graphically intensive,they run like crap on gpu from both brands,with exceptions like fh4 ofcourse.
Nvidia also have exceptions where their games run much better on both brands, like Witcher 3,bf5,sottr,hellblade and many more. But AMD loyalists always tend to overlook that segment and try to generalize the negative part of nvidia and positive part of AMD. A game being heavy/not heavy doesn't always depend on which brand sponsored it. Most of nvidia titles are graphically demanding open world/semi open world,so most of nvidia games end up being heavy. Most of AMD games are close quarter normal games,so most AMD games end up being much less heavy. Yes, nvidia intentionally gimped only a few games with their gimpworks,but other demanding games are heavy for pretty fair reasons. Most people don't know that.