OMG. A normal topic about market share turned into AMD fanboy bonanza. "But they rule consoles!". "Nvidia fanboys everywhere!"
If there is one thing you can say for Nvidia, its that it has an army of aggressive and passionate fanboys.
Many compared to AMD? Fanboys per card sold? Really?
how many a reply on the steam forums asking for help with some problems running a game point towards the "AMD" products being the cause of it all...
And how often are these problems actually caused by AMD hardware/drivers?
I mean: even the most fanatic AMD followers on this forum use arguments like "you only need a bit of tweaking to make Vega great" etc.
As big titles are moving away from steam, I wonder how good Steam is nowdays as indicator of market share.
It would be nice if EA, Uplay, Epic and Blizzard will also provide their data on CPU and GPU market share.
Yeah. Discredit a user group as representative for the whole population, because it doesn't use as many AMD cards as you'd like. Perfect.
Steam is the most popular game distribution platform, with the largest choice of latest games (I'm not sure if GOG isn't beating them in totals). And gamers aren't exclusive.
So it's very likely that even if one spends the most time playing Blizzard games (often true), he'll also have Steam.
This makes Steam the best source for hardware popularity among users.
If we calculated some weighted statistics, for example games owned or hours played, the result could look differently.
We can safely assume that in the Windows part of the market AMD cards are usually bought for gaming, i.e. Radeon owners may be more avid gamers.
Nvidia cards are bought for other tasks as well, gaming being less important for the buyers (i.e. it's occasional). Nvidia GPUs are more common in ultrabooks / business laptops as well.
I said "Windows part" because there's also that 3% Mac users who may or may not game and are almost sure not to have an Nvidia GPU at the moment.
AND Nvidia has even more loyal followers, whose don't even know there is a another GPU manufacture who offer competative GPU for certain price bucket.
Actually the majority of PC users simply don't know who AMD is (neither in the GPU nor CPU space). And AMD is the only party to blame. End of story.
Many non-gamers don't know Nvidia as well. I'm pretty sure my mom doesn't.