- Reason anime became huge in your life
Don't really have a reason, remember randomly picking up Akira on VHS because I thought the motorcycle looked cool at a flea market when I was 7, from there it just creeped in and led to GitS, Cowboy Bebop and so many others that I can't remember the names of.
- Favorites (movie, series, even cartoons) and describe why you enjoy them so much.
Cowboy Bebop, Robotech, Gundam, Blame, Gundam and more Gundam. Why I enjoyed them? The Future, space exploration, spaceships, Robots, Transhumanism. What more can I say, unfortunately there aren't any anime that I encompass those subjects, as newer stuff tries to have a more broader appeal by being upbeat and power levels. When an anime that does check the right boxes do pops up I've long since read the manga and don't get much enjoyment that I could have. e.g. Blame!, Knights of Sidonia,
Newer stuff doesn't seem to have the same appeal as the stuff I grew up watching, there are some occasional gems that pop up like Redline but those are far and few in between and never a long running series.