You can be a fanboy and remain a rational buyer. So you bought the better GPU. That's it.Funny, I owned Intel Nvidia for last 6 years... but sure, fanboy sure...
Most AMD fanboys used Intel CPUs for better part of the last decade, but activated once Zen came out.
Being a fan of AMD (or just anti Intel) is one thing, but having a usable PC is important as well.

Anyway, since you've already admitted that you don't really care what we think about your posts, there's likely no reason for you to tell the truth in them. You don't care. You might as well be making everything up.

So, they could basically go on vacation and keep selling 2080Ti until AMD announces something that beats it.In a way they are and in a way they're not. Nvidia doesn't have to create a 2080ti super since they're the top dog by far but they're still going to give people a slight bump in performance. It's a filler until next gen basically.
Instead they launch a new card that offers even more performance.
How exactly is that bad in any way? Shouldn't we praise this?