while i agree on the waste of money that CPU is, on the second part of that sentence : actually ... nope, thanks for the cliche ... for instance if i was foolish enough to take a 9900KS it would need a 3 month tiered billing ... and i would not be able to buy other components on the same order
(well at last i would be able to take a good X570 mobo plus a R6 3600X for the price of a single 9900KS )
Why you guys always judge what people is buying ? Why you are so interested and so damn worried about people that doesnt buy the same thing that you bought ?
Do you guys have some personal issues as many in this forum and others ?
You gotta stop this dumb thing leave people what they want to to with their own money !!!
Why i have to buy AMD BECAUSE YOU BOUGHT AMD ?? TELL ME WHY ? I have my own tastes i have my own ideas my own experience and needs i do my choice whatever ! And you are NOBODY to tell me that i did a mistake just because what YOU HAVE BOUGHT ITS CHEAPER and nothing more than that than cheaper ! Does not perform better its performing equal or a little bit worse !
If you want to hit high FPS in games you are better with Intel ! STILL INTEL yes !
I DONT GIVE A FFFFFFF to AMD !! Do you understand ?
I do not go to the AMD forum's and post saying YOU GUYS DONE MISTAKE BUYING AMD BLA BLA BLA GNE GNE GNE ! I dont do that !! Why you AMD fanboys are doing this over and over again ?
Stop this childish behavior you guys are just showing how immature you are.