Well guys, I've been meaning to add some pics in this thread for ages and I've still yet to get around to it... So.... Now here some are!!
I was looking through a few bits and pieces a few weeks back and I thought I'd like to do something and make use of some more hardware so I'm hoping for a few suggestions from everyone really
I was wondering about doing something with my 5960X and one of the X99 boards. Well I'm not happy with the MSI so it was going to go into either the EVGA or Asrock board (suggestions??) but then I was wondering about grabbing a big Xeon as cheap as possible (not ES or QS stuff, just retail models) and then putting in the spare 1080 Ti card for some folding and crunching but I was wondering also about setting up possibly another file sharing PC (10Gb network etc.) but also consider as Isabelle seems to be Minecraft crazy at the moment, about setting up a server client on that.... It'll give me something to learn and if there's other ways I can learn to setup things, then I'm all for it
As for the X79 kit, I was considering to stick with a 4930k I'd forgot was in the Rampage Black board and see what I can do with that... Maybe a testing system or bit of fun to bench with or even a GPU testing rig... Anyone have any ideas??
The X299 seems to be a bit of an issue simply because the 7980/9980/10980XE CPUs all seem to have done a runner and are costing way to much with all the excitement going on over at camp AMD.. I'd love to get one to just add it as a cruncher and a bit of a comparison CPU setup to the Ryzen 3900/3950X I have.. If I can ever splash out on a 3970X as I would like to, then well I'd love to do that too

A little more silliness, is that I've had a little sort out with the servers I've got left now

Nothing like being a little OCD and trying to help yourself but I'm not so sure

Here's a few pics of that....
I really do need to 'upgrade' the carpet out there...
Anyways, I'm only ever planning to use the top 4 servers at once really, simply because the heat output and the fact that they are all a lot faster/more efficient, is the only real reason. These things can suck juice from the socket without any issues

:sad: Still, with all the plugs matching, with the ends and plugs labelled up, I now know which plug is doing what and so on.. Completely daft but thought it looked a little nicer
Oh and with the heat of the summer days, I've come to air conditioning... Well not really but it seems to help a little and even more so when I'm not at home or we don't have the conservatory door open to let the heat from the servers out (and now two more crunching machines!!) it can get a little toasty in there, so with the fan forcing and pushing a little more air through the servers, it does seem to help a little

Since all the electric is free providing the solar and sun are working in harmony, for the amount of power they take, I'll try and keep the servers cool as possible
I'd done a little power test with the two servers I use and the two crunchers now sat on top of the server cabinet, with the 1070 folding away as well as all of them crunching WCG, it's pulling about 1100w ish... Now aside from ouchy on the power bill, for the amount of threads etc. crunching away, I didn't think it was so bad considering the age of the hardware
I'm hoping soon, I can grab myself some water cooling loop hardware for my 3900X.. I have the parts I'm looking at and all I need to do next is have the cash to buy them.. Man when did EK kit become so expensive?? I think it's currently £200 for a pump and res combo, along with £120 for a rad (560 mind...) and then £90 ish for the AM4 block I like the look of... Ouch.. I have barbs and such here, but I do need some decent tubing. The last lot I had gave me plastiser issues in the tubing and such, so I'm wishing to try better tube next... Does anyone have any suggestions at all?
I've also been able and lucky enough to be able to feed some more network cables out to the conservatory so instead of having a single cable and then it's splitting into an 8 way switch, I've got 6 cables out there now connected to my 24 port 1Gb switch.. It's such a shame my internet speeds suck (30Mb down/5Mb up) but there we go

I won't bore you guys with pictures of that tho...
Now for a bit of a career update....
I've been applying or putting myself out for a change in job as well. Since nothing is happening with regards to me learning more Infrastructure stuff (not that this COVID-19 has helped and I'm not trying to defend the place I work at all) I'm trying to move myself on and get somewhere that I'm valued and actually wanted to push further in my career.
I think a few more years in 2nd line support/desktop support and with the jump into the Infrastructure side of things, I'd like to hope that when I hit my 5 years service, I might actually be able to jump up and on to some server based work supporting/setting up or something I think... I think I'd like to be like a project designer or something that I have a bit of a niche in. I do enjoy the putting together, building, configuring/learning and so on style of work and to be able to do that with large scale projects, meeting people/be in a team/maybe have a few people in a team I am responsible for and so on, I think that's where I'd like to be and end up to ultimately
I'll keep you all posted on the job front

I'd like to think at some point I can move on and see what else is out there

I need to tax my brain before I loose what little knowledge I have up there!!
Well as always guys and possibly gals, if you have read this far you need another medal!!
I'm sure there where some other things I'd have liked to have mentioned but as it's gone 1am here and my girls woke me up this morning after about 5 hours sleep last night (much like tonight!!) I had best get some rest as I'm in 'work' tomorrow...
See you guys and gals soon