Well...We can not be sure just yet but when I saw how many of those basketball players have Covid-19 without any symptoms it does make you wonder what is actual number of infected people I was always under impression that is probably around 10x more then what we know and even with those numbers I believe that death rate was higher than common flu but there is a possibility that the number of "infected"people is even much higher then those predictions.....
Exactly. The real numbers are not known because the instances of people who either have it and are unaware because the symptoms are so mild, or because the symptoms are mild enough that they don't feel the need to report it, perhaps because they believe they have something else.
The reality is this; Of the known numbers, the morality rate is somewhat higher than the flu. Of the estimated numbers, the mortality rate is on par with the flu.
So why all the nonsense? People, companies and governments are pressing the panic button over something that is little more serious than that of the common flu.
But UK data analysis based on Italian rates of transmission and mortality put the UK death rate at 250,000 by August 2020.
I'm not buying that. Italy is an outlier, an exception rather than the rule. Most of the rest of the world(including the British commonwealth) is not getting hit that hard. This suggests strongly that there is something unique about that region/populous that make them more vulnerable. The rest of the world's populous however is reacting medically on a level that would be expected of a seasonal illness, such as the aforementioned flu.
That's why we moved to suppression.
But that's my point, isolation is not the solution. The virus is already out there(the horse has bolted and been gone for a long while). The best course of action is prevention on a local level. Teaching people proper preventive personal hygine, the use of face masks and gloves, environmental sanitation and so on. These are the actions that will have the best effect for the general populous.
But yes, absolutely, people panicking and buying massive stockpiles is a human disgrace. I think we're both agreeing but speaking a slightly different dialect. Ye ken?
Yes, but social, economic and education event cancellations are an equally disgusting disgrace as well. It's sheer stupidity and ignorance. The virus is already out there. What are we going to do, cancel the whole damn planet? Yes, let's trash our entire civilization and see how safe everyone is afterwards...
EDIT; Rant over. Frustration vented...