Not exactly an issue, but I wanted... clarification I guess, regarding VPN usage.
My main ISP (the one that provides me Internet access through a coaxial cable) is currently throttling pretty much everything outside of RDP due to people "staying at home and watching Netflix and Youtube all day, overwhelming the capabilities of the currently available infrastructure all over the country" (that's what they are saying at least, I don't really have the data to either back up or shoot down that idea, and honestly I don't really care much outside of this particular issue).
This means that it takes a few actual minutes to get any page on TPU to fully load up (case in point, yesterday I wanted to reply to a couple posts in the FAH subforum and I just quit because I was too tired to deal with that at the moment).
The thing is that while my VPN is enabled (Private Internet Access), I can get past some of the throttling (it's still somewhat slow, but it only takes a few seconds to load the same page that was taking minutes before).
Now, I sort of expect the system to forcefully log me out every once in a while if I'm constantly entering from both Buenos Aires (from my phone) and Florida, USA (from my desktop computer, through VPN). But, since it's not in the guidelines, I wanted to know if VPN usage in general is allowed. I have two different ISPs at work here (the main one with coaxial cable and the carrier for my phone, both completely separate companies), and I only use the VPN on my desktop computer. Thus, my current situation, and wondering whether I will get up one day and find my account banned...