Those poor, super cute pangolins developed a mega virus that is responsible to the death of 27,373 people and put 23,560 in critical condition.
To be fair, they never asked to practically be eaten completely out of the food chain by selfish human poachers. If you want to blame anybody blame the poachers and the people who support the illicit trade of them.
It could be even worse for the animals now, given what happened when civets were linked to SARS. They got slaughtered. Some populations of pangolins are already critically endangered and have the most serious restrictions possible. They are one of 1200 odd species in the world that are considered this close to being gone forever.
It's all crazy to me. According to CBS they slaughtered a whole lot of civets without proof that they carried SARS in the first place. Interestingly enough they are used to produce a delicacy involving feeding them coffee cherries and brewing the beans after the animals excrete them. Really a pretty similar story all around. No real ethical considerations. All vanity.
Chinese Authorities Order 10,000 Racoon-Like Animals Killed
They'd probably keep them in decrepit farms like they do the civets if they could figure out how to pull it off, too.
I'm all for cultural preservation and stuff like that, but from what I remember reading, pangolins were originally used to purge demons in traditional Chinese medicine. Now people use it for things like blood clots and breastfeeding. It it really still tradition if people completely change it? Or is that people shifting in step with modern medicine in order to keep it relevant and valuable? Hmph.
To me, this practice is straight-up harmful to everyone. Consider people stateside turning to essential oils instead of modern medicine for cancer until it reaches stage 4 and they wind up dying. Some of those can be toxic, too. I'm also reminded of the anti-vaxxer mindset, where herd immunity is weakened and people wind up with preventable diseases believing they're doing the right thing for thier health. People simply should not be doing this. It's not only a moral issue or only about a virus, unless we are talking about ethics in medical treatment. Modern healthcare and disease prevention can be severely undermined when enough people do not participate in spite of having access. In a global sense, having as many people as possible on board with modern medicine is too important for us to have any countries with access to it abiding this. Virus be damned, it's still a pretty big, and very black/white public health problem.
I dunno... to me, if you take the tradition out of it, it's just a scam. Alternative medicine has its place, if the treatment itself doesn't pose a risk of harm across the board and the patient is getting actual treatment... something to be said for the mental aspect of dealing with illness. But this particular practice should have stopped a long time ago. Nobody should be using pangolins for blood clots, let alone consume them as a delicacy. It's hard to really argue for cultural tolerance with it. I mean, is it ever okay to wipe an animal out because they taste good and ancient people thought they were medicine? There would almost be some footing if it was used for it's original purpose of treating a nasty case of the demons... but even that, I just cant. Stuff like that just isn't compatible with modern society. There is a line where things go from normal, hokey old-world things to creating ugly things for people in societies. If it was possible for people to do this with little to no impact it would still be weird, but could probably be left alone. People believe all sorts of things, but when your beliefs are causing harm, live and let live gets a lot more... complex... if it's not a harm to the animals and a disease risk, it's still dangerous if people refuse real treatment in favor of it. That they're endangered on top of that is just a spare nail. People shouldn't be entitled to their ignorance when these are the things that come with it.
I have a feeling enforcement on pangolin trade hasn't been as good as it should've been. It seems like any time traditional medicine is entangled with a rare animal, it gets overlooked more often. People don't think of pangolins as being as endangered or prized as pandas or rhinos. Their use in 'medicine' complicates things. Sometimes I think cultures need to change. Sometimes old things die out and people just call it progress, you know? Even religions can change according to what is considered acceptable at the time.
It's like, where is the line? Is it also acceptable for modern european nations to practice medieval-style (not the modern way) bloodletting because at one point that was how it was done in their native culture? Would people be wrong to think that shouldn't ever be done?
All that aside, I'm pretty sure the evidence we have for them being linked to the virus we humans are dealing with hasn't been proven conclusive at all. The DNA was very close enough for there to be some link, but I don't think it was close enough. What they've found seems to be a different virus, unless something has changed since I last read of this outside of rumors and speculation.
Pangolins are a prime suspect, but a slew of genetic analyses has yet to find conclusive proof.
It would be some nasty karma if that were the case... humans would be entirely to blame for it. Both people participating and people letting it happen. But even if it's not, I feel like any rational person ought to frown upon the practice. I do feel bad for the pangolins, too. We could choose to do away with the antiquated practices and vanity dining. They have no say. Instead we're wiping them out and hurting ourselves in the process :/
That's another way too look at it.
Speaking of yesterday at work towards the end of my shift I started getting a sore throat, a bit of cough, and a burning sensation in the upper part of my chest. Guess what happened today towards the end of shift. The only difference today (Friday) was I left an hour early, started having a mild fever on my way home. Went from just my forehead too my whole face feeling warmer than it was. I did have a bit of a runny nose though.
Changed out of work clothes, washed my face/hair, ate something, and went to bed at 5:27. Woke up at 8:42PM, fever was gone still had a mild burning sensation in my upper chest that has slowly diminished. Still have a tiny bit of a burning feeling in chest that I hope is almost gone. No shortness of breath though earlier or now but afraid to go to sleep again.
Not sure if it was anything but isolating in a bedroom downstairs from everyone else just in case.
That's what I get for being in contact with the general public because I'm considered critical infrastructure where I work. 50/50% chance someone could be a carrier, and I wouldn't know if their showing no symptoms.
Called off work or I tried to, sent a text to the manager although she's in bed asleep at this time. She babysits two of her grandkids when she can to help out her son because her daughter in law passed away last year while in for surgery. She was 6 months pregnant at the time it happened.
If it is, you will need your rest. Please take care. All you can do is isolate and monitor. You should be able to get access to testing more easily now. Hold out, brother. Staying up waiting isn't gonna help. I know that's not really advice... just sayin I want you to be well man!
I've had a few little scares myself. Knowing people who have tested positive and still coming to work doesn't help. I worked for too long without eating one day and thought I was getting a fever. It's also pollen season and pollen has always made my lungs feel constricted. One starts connecting dots, especially seeing the numbers climb and knowing how contagious this is. For half a day I thought I might have it. But I've been normal in the days since then.
I worry for my mother for the same reasons. She's over 60 and working at wal-mart :/ I didn't really need another reason to hate them, but the things she describes there infuriate me. But honestly, the way that wal-mart is run, they wouldn't have the leadership to keep up with all of the important things. My mom keeps telling me they're hiring people out of work and I could do that if we close for a while. I told her "HELL no!" The last place I wanna be is working with the public.
So I understand your fear.
Hell, it bothers me that we're still at work here because leadership has our childcare staying open since it's being designated as essential. We're allowed to stay open for the parents still working. Meanwhile we are coming out to work and taking the risk for 4 kids to show up. And 2 of them are staff's kids. So if we all went home, there would be 2 kids! We have more staff than kids just running the ship. They could take them elsewhere for a little while, I'm sure. But then, I already went into the amount of understanding our principal has... walking into the home of a confirmed infected and then heading home to the wife in Orlando, when he could isolate here, without being tested. It is very hard for me to hold back on the man at this point. If one of us gets it because he wouldn't close up for 2 kids and 8 staff, I don't think I can avoid it... just knowing it's for the little scraps of money and to appease the two parents and not out of a genuine concern for the kids. I don't know how he justifies it. Between the state supplement, payment from parents, and total operations cost, it's a gaping money contusion. We don't HAVE to be open. He could have made that call at any point. But he spends his day writing e-mails for the parents. I see all of his bullshit little newsletters talking of prayers and working together... seriously, fuck that guy. He always does this with important situations. Hides away, avoiding making any real proactive moves. He always writes the best e-mails. If I was on the outside looking in I'd be inclined to believe he had it together. His staff would tell a different story. Save for his pets... one of which put him in contact with the virus.
The school serves no role for the remote program at this point. Nobody has to be there for kids to take remote classes. It's entirely just to show we're 'doing our part' and collect pennies for the rainy day jar. Parents have said they're bringing their kids, but they never do. I say screw them. I'm sorry. There are other places they can bring thier kids if they really need to. Hell, someone on staff would probably watch them for the day for the same money they pay daily, and that's pretty good money for that staff member, too!
Money actually is and isn't a huge issue for them, either. We are supported fully by The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, who will loan us the money to continue payroll and float the lost income. I was talking to the accountant who deals with them. She's made the appeals before for lesser things and more cash. She's already reached out for a sit-rep and what they've offered is enough. The debt sucks but it'd far from kill us. Chances are will ultimately have to take it anyway. I'll never understand how he thinks or what he thinks he's waiting to have happen. Nobody really does, though.