It doesn't matter if I use 1, 2, 3, or 4 sticks. It doesn't matter what voltage I use. The system will not boot whatsoever if I set the memory to 3600mhz. At first I hoped it was something that would be fixed with a bios update. I have now had this memory kit for months and tried it on two different motherboards. It will NOT boot with the memory set to 3600mhz no matter what other settings I try.
I have played with the Ryzen calculator. That is how I got the the memory kit to 3533mhz Cas 14. I score better in benchmarks and have better latency at 3533mhz Cas 16 though.
3200mhz Cas 18, Best time: 130.31, Random Latency: 86.31
3533mhz Cas 18 , Best time: 117.62 , Random Latency: 80.64 (Best latency)
3200mhz Cas 16, Best time: 120.5, Random Latency: 90.62
3533mhz Cas 16 , Best time 109.73: , Random Latency: 82.37 (Best time)
3200mhz Cas 14 , Best time: 120.5 , Random Latency: 85.74
3466mhz Cas 14 , Best time: 110.69 , Random Latency: 81.28
3533mhz Cas 14 , Best time: 111.6, Random Latency: 80.06 (Unstable)
3600mhz will not post at all
I thought Rev. E was the good stuff. That is what this is.
That is my question. Is it the cpu or memory preventing me from running 3600mhz?