I remember watching everyone in envy because I could get nowhere near there. I tried though! I was there in spirit.
I was able to get my 2500M to around 2800 with around 2.3v and a lot of fans.
could have been 2750ish
Well going more then 2.7GHz on a mobile Barton is not a good idea, if u will go for 24/7 stable work, cuz will short the life span of the CPU, and these parts will become extinct, cuz of gold scrappers and idiots that just trow to the trash parts... At least i wont go above 2.7GHz as is not worth it to brun the parts, adn as far as i know more voltage then 1.85v is not good, still 1.9v is a bit ok for me, but above 2v for 462 CPUs is way tooo much......
Damn that AOpen board is stuff of dreams back then during Pentium 4 era.
Well AOpen boards are great, sadly they dont have too many models, still the ones they have are great. This dual 370 is a champion, the guy that did use it was smoker, and he did smoke like 24/7 did not leave the cigaretes, whole board was with tar, and nasty, also the guy did put one time a SDram stick on the wrong way and blown up a pin in the slot, and there was places where the PCB was naked and the copper was showing, yet after cleaning and recapping the board is wotking great, so AOpen is really great brand, and one of my favorites like ABIT...
I found this board to be better then the ASUS CUV4X-DLS, that sure have AGP pro slot, up to 4GB of ram and SCSI, but the color is bad, and they tend to have problems, liek to randomly die, or to get stuff not working like PS2 connectors, USB and others...
Very interesting boards, only AOpen have so strange boards, and the rare AOpen Tube boards, for sure the inegrated audio is not very gooc, cuz is not separated, but is still very interesting and unique.. Also a black Slot 1 mobo, only AOpen have that as far as i know, pink and dark with some smile faces on it, really interesting boards, similar to ABIT casper, and others...
This is what i got so far, Cherry G80-1000 cant see an G80-1000 on ebay, seems they are very rare, (same as the Aopen dual 370 and the Tube boards) , IBM Model M Gen 2.
These 2 are my daily ones i use, just want to get 1 premium ALPS NorthGate Omnikey or Zenith and one Space Invaders NBM tech, and maybe IBM Model F AT....
Someone of you have maybe interesting Mechanical keyboards, like ALPS DELL BIGfoot, NorthGate Omnikey, Zenith, or NBM Space Invaders or IBM Model Fs that are rare specially the AT model, i did miss one Model F AT last days and am not very happy....