You call 1440P 30FPS good

cinematic experience I guess.
And Consoles didn't do anything for gaming, except to make them mainstream and made gaming bad. No game is a PC game, every single title was a console port and it will always be and Turing's Mesh Shading Technology no one used, they are showcasing as if this is a ground breaking new achievement. More PCs means more people buying actual Computers rather than a Mass market box for playing in Mediocrity of Checkerboard trash, Low FPS, Low Fidelity, Input latency and BGA trash HW, useless GaaS mechanics - XBL, PSN just for playing MP. And because of them every PC game has poor texture fidelity because the game has to be made for the console, Witcher Tech demo vs Retail none of them came, Watchdogs same fate. Every title has to be made compatible and not sway too much in Quality difference vs a PC that hampered a lot of native PC games, games like Nier deserved more than a trash port because the money is in Consoles, RDR2 is another example for the garbage quality treatment for PC. And tons of DRM for PC only.