During the "update/upgrade" Edge changed my installed default browser right along with my contractually agreed to MS to Edge, so then Chrome-based Edge IS replacing the default browser of MY INSTALLED OS.
And no, Edge did not replace my OS, but it did block all of my pinned websites which allowed me to avoid the advertising on the Edge browser homepage. Sorry but I got to many things to do than be distracted by unneeded or unwanted advertising, so, this is my two cents worth, I am 52, grew up with the internet, there was a time that the internet was all about sharing educational and technical information, and of course the porn sites which financed it. The internet now is about half about advertising, every site wants you to view their advertising so the advertisers pay the site owner, the only problem with that is that less than ten percent of all purchases are influenced by advertising, because what really influences peoples purchases in their budget. The second is personal information, google stands for "G"overnment "O"bservation "O"f "G"roops, "L"eftist, (and) "E" tremeists, and everyone falls into one of those three sub-catagories. Why do you think that the web browsers "Offer" to "Save" our passwords, it sure the hell aint because they are just being nice, nothing is free, everything has costs. The U.S. government licenses and buys information from google so that it does not have to subpoena it, they want to stick their noses up our @$$e$, but dont want us to do the same to them (The problem with that is that absolutely nothing on the internet is secure, its all ones and zeros, which with the right technology can be deciphered.)
There was a time that Google advanced search was the best thing on the internet, now google has watered down its search algorithm, supposedly to give smaller companies an equal search share, that you cannot find $h1T in the internet, but you sure see alot of advertising on the way to nowhere.
Now microsoft (which personally sounds to me like a robot porn stars name, who has something neither micro nor soft and is out to screw everyone) is forcing Edge on everyone, and yes it is forced, like a dry anal penetration. I was happy with what I had, didn't want, nor agree to have what I had changed, and now it has screwed up in seconds what it took me months to set up. I live on a set income, and advertising has absolutely zero influence on my purchases compared to cost and necessity.
Why did microsoft force edge onto everyone they could, when they should have sold it like crazy? Because of the google/microsoft alliance which gives them almost absolute control of not what, but HOW a person accesses the internet and the forcefeed advertisement capability as well as the providing of searched/accessed information to the government.
I deleted Edge's run CAPABILITY, it is possible, and did the same to its future update CAPABILITY. And yes this crippled my computer, but did not kill it, as is shown by this submission. Prior to the deletions, i downloaded another browser to a usb and am using it remotely after the deletion. In response to microsoft screwing up my setup, the fourth which it has done in the last ten years, I am learning to build a Basic backed Linex sytem, and using it through a laptop from which I have removed the harddrive, again by a usb simcard as a drive, which the government does not want people to know that they can do, (Compare the size of a hard drive to a hideable sim card.).
People are only bound by what they want to be bound by, there are those who are too lazy to fight, the sheeple, and those who remember that our scientific classification, based upon our eyes being forward and not on the sides of our heads, is that we are predators. We did not get to be the baddest MO FOES in the jungle by simply surrendering to what wanted to devour us, and that is exactly what google/microsoft wants to do with our freedom of choice.