This is venturing away from the topic at hand - climate change. An ice-age isn't really on our radar - we, and many generations will be long gone before it happens, unless it's unduced by some atmospheric catastrophe (super volcano level eruption, ELE: asteroid, etc). On that front, a discussion on Yellowstone should happen somewhere... I mean, if that caldera erupts, America's finished
Anyway, FTR, an ice-age would have calamitous effect on our resource system. Humans moved out of the tropical areas at the ending of the last ice-age. If such ice-sheets were to return, the effects on sea-level would be crazy, the effects on global crops, a catastophe. We're in an inter-stadial, one of those times between ice-ages. It could last a long, long time. I'm sure some crazy is thinking if we keep global warming up, we can stop the next ice-age. Well, warming will have equally disastrous effects but they will happen in a shorter time-frame (centuries, not millenia). Besides, as some have commented on before, it's not just global wamring that's starting to hurt, it's soil degradation by industrial farming, resource stripping by intensive mining, and acidification of the oceans by warming and CO2 absorption. Regardless of cause (whether you wish to blame human action or not), these things are happening now - that is irrefutable.
And one last thing. Should global weather change in either extreme way (long-term scenarios) what happens to those populated zones, those countries that lose their crops & resources? Well, they seek better land. Land someone else is already on. Humans are shit at being co-operative on a large scale. At community level - you use town halls. At global level - you use war. That's the future if any severe resource drought threatens an established first-world country (one with an army... or nukes).
What a future someone is going to have...