Programmers (good ones at least) are never going to go away. Just like all fields, there will always be the need for specialists and troubleshooters who can be brought in to fix the fuckups.
Those fuckups are primarily caused by two things: cutting corners (fast, cheap, good - pick two); and incomplete specifications.
Code that generates code can help with the first problem, but cannot help with the second. (Until or unless true, strong AIs are developed - but that will essentially make all jobs obsolete.) Bad specs = code that doesn't do what you expect, or appears to do what you expect but has side effects. And here's the rub: creating good specifications is hard. It's why analysts, or programmers that can also do analysis, are so well-paid - and will continue to be.
Because the foundation of any software system is the specification, it means the implementation - i.e. turning the spec into code - is (usually) relatively trivial. Which is where this "no-code coding" comes in, and why it's not particularly revolutionary: all it's doing is replacing the warm human body with an algorithm. But it's worse: whereas a human can at least look at a specification, say "this makes no fucking sense", and prevent implementing something useless... the algorithm lacks any ability to reason about the code it's being told to generate.
In other word, no-code coding is going to create more fuckups, not less. Which means more work for programmers, not less. I can guarantee you that big corporates are going to embrace "no code" systems en masse and rewrite their entire current systems using them, which will result in a steaming pile of shit that will bring them so close to bankruptcy that they'll have to hire ordinary programmers to come in and fix, and then the corporate will never use no-code coding again, and it will die.
tl;dr it's yet another fad that will fade away over time, as all fads do.