9800 GT is 12 years old. The market has changed ... tho many folks still 'don't get it". You still see the argument that "It's not worth buying an AIB card that is a few MHz faster when you can over clock it yourself.
a) AIB cards generally have beefier power circuitry with more phases, better cooling and other features.
b) This allows them to leave the factory with higher overclocks
c) The manufacturer's have a bit of a gamble when they set clocks ... due to the silcon lottery, some cars of identical manufacture, will clock higher than others. When they sit this OC,they have to balance the sales bump they get from the higher OC versus the % of cards that may be returned because they can't maintain advertised clock speeds. Nvidia has always been very conservative here .... not unusual to get 15-30% over stock clocks .... Since the 290x series, AMD has been more ballzy , clocking the cards up to 5 % ... 10% w/ a few models at the factory.
d) So overclocking your reference card up to the clocks that AIB card leave the factory with is no accomplishment .... because, like when fanbois compa5e models of their favorite brand, saying that "Company A card overclocked is almost as fast as company B's card" ignores the fact that Company B's card can be overclocked to.
In any case, the industry responded to the aftermarke cooler's birth by a) making better coolers and b) making more efficient GPUs. I'll ise MSI's AIB cards since TPU tested them all
MSI 2060 Gaming Z = 68C OC'd under full load
MSI 2060 Gaming X Super = 68C OC'd under full load
MSI 2070 Gaming X = 68C OC'd under full load
MSI 2070 Super Gaming X = 68C OC'd under full load
MSI 2080 Gaming X = 71C OC'd under full load
MSI 208 Super Gaming X = 72C OC'd under full load
MSI 2080 Ti Gaming X = 68C OC'd under full load
VRM temps on all these cards are great ... at 70 for the 2080 for example. AMD of course hasn't fared as well, at least until the 5600 XT. In every price niche, the green team has held a significant advantage in heat, power and noise back till 2013... the 5600 XT changed all that. Very anxious to see what happens this fall.
One last thing that must be mentioned is that manufacturers ahve been adding water blocks to their cards ... at the factory. The price premium for these is comparable to what it costs for these aftermarket coolers. And with OLC type AIOs available with all copper rads and pumps that push 10x the flow rate of CLCs, it's easy to add a GPU to an OLC type AIO. You can even order then prfilled ... install the card in the slot, cobbet power cables, plug in the quik-disconnect, turn on PC