Techwiz Youtuber nonsense and clickbait aside, as well as questionable "leaks", do we have official info on $150 cooler? I know a little bit about metallurgy and a bit about electronics, so where are the cost #s coming from? (/r/AMD doesn't qualify) Are the motor windings in those fans not copper but gold or palladium or something rare or exotic? Machining both on scale AND quality has gotten ridiculously affordable over the last 25 years (thank you massive build up in China), and those heatsinks, while pretty hefty, are nothing we haven't seen before. In fact when compared to giants of yesteryear, they might be little on the lighter side. So again, aluminum, copper, zinc, iron... those are the usual suspects, and they are dirt chip. Where is the $150 figure coming from? Sounds like absolute effin nonsense!