Time to start up your own business. Some chick made millions selling bath water. Im sure you can come up with a better idea.
I have actually been thinking a non-profit company that helps care homes/elderly people in general, re-connect with the community. I have thought about this for a few years now. Reaching out to local businesses to sponsor it - and in return they get marketing at the events, reaching out to schools to help staff the events, etc. Maybe something like this already exists, I don't know. If it does, it isn't expanded enough cause I have been to nursing homes in the UK, USA, and Finland visiting friends grandparents, and they all look so depressed. I understand it wouldn't be an event every night, but once every month or two weeks for smaller events, to give them something to look forward to. In the West we have abandoned our elderly, and there is really no reason for it.
That being said, about two years ago I did look at the process of creating a non-profit, and the paperwork, lawyers you need to hire... it's just not that simple, so I gave up on it. For one thing, I am pretty sure a bank won't loan me money to hire a team of lawyers to help me create a non-profit that may or may not make enough money to pay them back, let alone enough to give me a decent salary to live off.
That being said the NFL Headquarters is a non-profit, Goodwill (sells used clothes for cheap) is a non-profit, and their CEO's make millions of dollars. I'll never understand how things can be classified as non-profit yet their CEO's live in mansions, seems like an ironic fate of the title non-profit.
But hey that's life.