yes that Motherboard is an oddity and has ben priced veyr expensive becuase Gigabyte knwos very well that it would not sell much as that xeon platform was quite a last gasp for Intel...but would it be perfect for a Threadripper system..and wouldnt need that massive amount of VRms. and could be priced at half easily becuase of the volumes with a TR socket.
I totally agree that motherboard manufacturers do not uderstand threadripper, frankly I am sure NEITHER DOES
@amd , and that they trying to push this to you tubers and twitch users, but by doing so, they losing 80% of sales they would get, and their motherboard manufacturing costs will never go down.
It is unreal.. I am forced like most others to buy Intel becuase there is pathetic motherboards for AMD... its out of this world.
While we all hated duel socket system..for workstation pruposes today, it is the smartest choice one can make, cause AMD threadripper package becuase of sluggish motherboards cannot satisfy by any means minimum HPC requirements.
This is why I have explained before in this thread that
@amd SERIOULSY NEED to get things straightened out with motherboard manufacturers.
Im done with Dell, Im done with lenovo... these companies live in a past well gone and well far from what reality is today, and they cannot keep to pace by any means with technology...thatkind of mentality was fine 10 years only an idiot would buy into those machines.(with the Only exception for BOXX, if you willing to sell a kidney for a low end entry level workstation)
People today that use workstations have elegant offices, with clean looks, and need a clean elegant quiet machine that fits in with all.
In My small studio (I am not hot big shot at all) we have put a water cooling copper tubing system under the floor, which allows to put all big massive radiators totally decoupled from the working enviroment... fans run at minimum speeds, and if a machine makes any noise at all it will be a 3.5 inch basic back up drive.. and in the winter, i dont use heating at all.
We watch tv on them, we watch the news, you tube have skype , or zoom, conferences while you might be rendering on one maya instance while or simulating on another one in houdini, of making some texture or shader or whatever...we even got a a music library on one to play music linked to an amplifier...and its playing music pretty much all day long... on my desk i have an extra small 23 inch screen where i like to keep US or International news on, becuase i enjoy this while i work and i have a crappy dedicated quadro 4000 8 years old for it which is the only noisy thing on my system at times..
One of these days...
If all of a sudden a new player comes into motheboard manufacturing offering Apple like or even NVIDIA like cooler designs mentality and design language in the motherboard space, with intelligent functionality and expansion, ASUS Gigabyte MSI and al the others willl suffer a painful death pretty fast, in the motherboard reality.
frankly in 2021 i dont even understand how it is possible that we can access a pcb at all with bare hands... by now they should have completley shrouded motherboards into a solid sealed graphene block and have patented hundreds of new connections which would be more elegant, practical functional, and taking much less space.
A motherboard today shoudl lok like an Apple laptopwithout scren and keyboard...and not like my grand grand father transistor radio.
Instead motherboards look like 1980s stuff with rgb on it but black cause it hides all the antiquate mentality, and just capacitors and vrm vendors developing.
Just Look at USB or sata connectors... they are pathetic...massively big for what?! for how many more years?!
We are still using copper lan when all is fiber, the thinnest of cables ever.
When do I get to see a lan optic fiber Lan cable withtheir dedicated router from Asus?!
99% of what u see on a motherbaord could be packed all in a single massive SOC, and frankly, lets face it..if a lil piece breaks on your motherboard today...good luck with anyone repairing it, unless u have some good old friend who knows how to...
so this di per se, defies the purpose to build motherboard in such a modular antique way, becuase it is convenient for them to get repaired. (just give me a 5 years warranty and lets get dispensed with the bull)
I know that with this i say i am making extreme points that would need a lot of work and feasibility studies done on , but My point is, that instead of glorifying them (motherboard manufacturers) every time they make a new motherboard maybe we should just do the opposite and blast them for being so antiquated.
Stanley Kubkrick, should have made computers and not be a movie director....we would not be at the mercy of taiwan and china trash today, becuase any motherboard in the world today is just that...trash.