Took about a week off or so but hopped back in and am slowly going through and clearing out the side jobs/gigs/organized crime zones, etc. The next story mission I have to do is Nocturne OP55N1 - have ben putting it off as from what I hear, after that becomes the point of no return. I'd rather clear all the side stuff out first, and then finish the story. Currently level 46. Have 6 attribute points free to spend as I can't decide how I want to finish my build. Reflexes is already at 20 for the blades tree, and I was sitting at Technical 18 but bumped it up to 19 to open some door for a side quest I was doing at the time. Stealth is still at 12, Body at 6, and Intelligence at 4. Thought about dumping points into Body for the armor/stamina/melee bonuses and whatnot but it looks like it would still be too low to take full advantage of the tree. Leaning towards dumping points into Stealth (which I could max in two more levels) and putting perk points into Cold Blood. Just seems like the best use since I've already put a bunch of points into Stealth. Have decided I'll do a hacking build next playthrough so Intelligence isn't really that appealing at this point (especially being only at 4).
Still relatively bug-free. Did come across a car frozen upended in the middle of an intersection on my way to a quest the other day. Finished the quest, drove back that same way and traffic was stopped in all four directions because the AI had no idea what to do. Also occasionally have issues where running/jumping into handrails (often when going down fire escapes or the like) causes me to get disoriented and take damage like I've fallen multiple stories. Had the relic malfunction glitch effect stuck on my screen once yesterday but it disappeared upon saving and then reloading.