a quoted price for something that isnt available should not count.. its too low which is why the item is not available..
to count as a true price an item has to be available.. as i see it Ebay is the only true price discovery mechanism at the moment with stuff actually available.. everything else is just pie in the sky..
i use ebay a lot.. both to buy and sell stuff.. if something is priced too high on ebay it dosnt sell if its priced too low it disappears super quick..
by my reckoning the price of something should be based on what people are prepared to pay for it.. in a free market price is governed by simple supply and demand..
the good side of a free market is that stuff (at a true price) is always available.. the bad side is that what is available goes only to those who can afford to pay more..
all this talk of scalpers come from those who dont believe in free markets with true price discovery or those who simply cannot afford to pay the true price.. basically its total nonsense and belongs in a
communist totalitarian state controlled world.. the fact that Americans are spouting this scalper sh-t does make me wonder..
there are more than one way to pay more.. one way is more money another way is more time and effort put into obtaining the item in short supply and then again there is simple luck.. but often these lucky people simply resell the item for something closer to the real price..