incidentally the ready built PC i picked up for £1750 whilst looking at 3080 ebay prices is now priced at £2350.. its due for delivery tomorrow.. the seller seems to have caught up with the price curve..
ps.. people are not just buying these things to mine they are buying them to resell at a profit.. anybody lucky enough to get their hands on one at anywhere near the rrp would be silly not to..
i paid a month old scalper price of £1045 for one.. i dont need the cash else for sure it would go straight on ebay .. a quick £700 or £800 profit would be hard to resist for most people..
i have paid a total of £2800 for one complete gaming machine and one 3080 gpu.. if i so wished i could bung both cards on ebay for the going £1750 quid each.. make a profit of £700 quid and get a free PC thrown in..