i used to love Grid. My roommate & i would race LAN all the time. Recently i bought dirt rally 2.0 & was having fun. its not very realistic sim like, but its fun enough. i am an adult, with a family. so i played when i could. Over about 2 weeks, i logged 17 hours of real world game play progress. i was finishing a race one night, & I kept getting this error, saying something about server communication not responding, save data does not match, etc. it reset ALL of my progress. i lost 17 hours of real time progress. i was playing singleplayer, why would they link single player offline mode progress , to a online server? im aware this is common these days, unless you have internet many games are nothing more than a desktop icon, & a $60 payment. But losing progress like that ruined the game for me in an instant. I was even able to get over my rage after a few days & start trying to re-do what i had done, then 4 hours of real world progress in , it happened again, & reset nearly all of my new progress. i uninstalled the game then. steam told me to F off in terms of a refund. codemasters is not my favorite dev, they have strayed far from the Dev that released games with awesome LAN local matches, & i know no dev's offer LAN any more, atleast its not common, but that server communication crap for singleplayer is nuts, all for some stupid achievement badges that no one with any sense cares 2 shits about.