View attachment 193370
If you buy some trinket on Black Friday, you don't expect that price to hold forever, don't you? It's not a case of "price increase", it's a case of "people can't read".
We can argue about whether their pricing is fair or not, considering you have to bring your own games... but bashing a company for simply ending a limited time promotion(with heads-up, and while still keeping old prices for "Founders") is childish.
What you on about.
I said"I don't get you, it's a gaming platform price increase.
It's relevant to a few on TPU and many passing by.
I was never buying into streamed gaming so no hate here,. I'm not bothered."
What part of that is bashing Nvidia, I was stating it Is relevant news.
And wtaf you on about if I buy some trinket on black Friday it's fu£#@# bought ,done ,finished.
You touch my account after ,,,,I f##@ your shop up.
Your analogy is balls as is pulling me out as some kind of Nvidia basher here, this isn't the mining GPU thread I'll bash them there that's fair this wouldn't be.