Still going pretty hard on Mario Kart on my phone lol.. I think I'm just about lvl 75 now on the 45th tier.. getting up there lol.. I still refuse to pay for the extras..
XS Max is starting to show its age a little with some annoying stutters when the shit gets thick
I got burnt out on that pretty quick. They really try to shove the in-app purchases down your throat from what I remember. Only played it to get my Mario Kart fix but now that I have a switch I just go to that instead. Stutters on your XS Max you say? I don't remember having any issues and I'm still rocking a 6S (although it's been quite a while since I played it to be fair).
But, do you guys know what wasn't boring and no farming involved?
After seeing all the praise everyone is singing about Valhalla I'm really tempted to pick it up while it's on sale. I'm a bit wary though as I haven't played any of the new-style AC games, and part of me wonders if I should check out Origins or Odyssey ($15 each) to see if I like it before dropping $45 for Valhalla. Also eyeing up Horizon: Zero Dawn while it's on sale too...decisions, decisions...
I picked up the OG AC for $6 and finished that up this past week since I never did finish it back on PS3. Much more one-dimensional than I remember, although I didn't expect much from a 2008 Ubisoft game. There's essentially no enemy variation whatsoever. The "hardest" thing you ever end up doing is fighting massive groups of enemies, which is made ridiculously easy once you unlock the ability to counter. The last mission you fight 3 or 4 big groups. Then you head to the final location, fight a couple more big groups, and then face the final boss, who just turns out to be two stages, the first being where he spawns multiple copies of himself (another big group, whaddaya know?) and then teleports around a bit.
My buddy gifted my Age of Empires II: Remastered (or whatever they call the remake). I'm not particularly good at those strategy games, but he wanted someone to play with and he knows I'm good for it. He has ADD and I see why he enjoys that game haha. So much micromanaging to be done: making sure your villagers are constantly being churned out by your town center, making sure your farms are seeded and being worked, making sure to do the upgrades on your resource buildings, scouting around, fighting other empires, etc. Overwhelming at first for an AoE noob like me but I'm slowly getting the hang of it.
Replaying The Outer Worlds since both the DLCs are out now. I'll try to play it differently this time.......
Thanks for the reminder that's in my backlog. Need to give it a go. Also have Metro Exodus as a prime candidate, but I downloaded and played a couple missions of that and it just...didn't really stand out to me. I don't know, maybe I'll ahve to give it another chance and get deeper into the story, but it just felt like a very "on-the-rails" shooter. The whole "change filters", "wipe off your mask" and "burn shit with your lighter" mechanics are different, but nothing else really got me hooked.
Good point, didn't know about that. But then I don't use my PS4 controllers on my PC. It is very odd.
I only used them when playing a couple emulated console games (DS4Windows spoofs W10 into thinking it's a X360 controller), but other than that I never use them.
Have fun. I couldn't do it. Just can't play FPS type games with a gamepad. Just too awkward and cumbersome for my play style. It's KB&M or nothing.
Agreed. Going back to a controller after using KB+M for shooters is painful.
No Man's Sky, got it on the sale on Steam. And it feels like a pretty weird game. It is intriguing while also being severely annoying. But after a few hours I'm basically still in the tutorial (it feels like it anyway), we'll see how I feel at the ten hour mark.
I picked that up on sale a few months back. Played 30(?) hours or so but just kinda got burnt out.