Thanks for the welcome

can’t wait to keep this relic ticking some more.
Good to know that about the Xeon, the 920 was great for a good while till degradation happened. At first I thought it was my p6T going, but dropping the voltage and qpi a tad and adjusting the bclk she’s back up to 24/7 @ 3.8 but down from 4.2...
I'm actually amazed the cpu degraded before my version 1 Corsair h60 LOL
Thank you for the offer, but looking to break the 4 core mold to 6. I actually have a spare 920 c0 I used once upon a time to sacrifice and learn to OC.
One thing I've learned is the C0 (maybe 920 in general) likes:
CPU Ratio Setting: 19 or 21 multipliers
BLCK Frequency: 180 or 200 multipliers
Which led me to this 3.8 setting for my wife's PC on a p6t v1. Keeping it to XMP for stability on some 1.5v classic red ripjaws. Seeing different BIOS settings and have a few resources saved, wondering what new settings await on the x5675 
Load Line Calibration: Enabled
CPU Differential Amp.: 800mV
CPU Clock Skew: Delay 300ps
CPU Spread Spectrum: Disabled
IOH Clock Skew : 300ps
PCIE Spread Spectrum: Enabled
AI Overclock Tuner: XMP (profile 1)
CPU Ratio Setting: 19
Intel (R) SpeedStep (TM) Tech: Disabled
BLCK Frequency: 200
PCIE Frequency: 100
DRAM Frequency: DDR3-1603MHz
UCLK Frequency: 3208MHz
QPI Link Data Rate: 7218MT/s
CPU Voltage: 1.38125v
CPU PLL Voltage: 1.88
QPI/DRAM Core Voltage: 1.36250v
IOH Voltage: 1.20
IOH PCIE Voltage: Auto
ICH Voltage: 1.20
ICH PCIE Voltage: Auto
DRAM Bus Voltage: 1.5