I love shiny new hardware, high-end stuff... thing is, I learned a long time ago there ALL KIIIIINDSA shiny things out there! I'm priced out of these shiny things right now. Can afford. Won't pay on principle. I'm not really suffering for this. I'm the type of person that can literally play 3 games for years. And if I don't want to play any of them, I figure I'm bored of them and start gravitating towards something else. I lived this way for years on decrepitly old hardware. There is also an amazing library of old games. Legendary games you ain't even seen. Don't upgrade your PC when you don't have it just to play more games. When I came here, this is where I was at. I got on with new hardware, new games. It was great. Starting to lull, but my mindset adapts. I've been riding the waves long enough to know the game.
When I came in, it was the right time, as well. I was ready, the spark was really there and I was sure I wouldn't tire of it too soon. Aaaaaannnnd Ryzen just dropped. We had the mining stuff then, but I snagged a 2060 at the right time and that was more than good enough from where I was coming from. Big jump for the money, in my world. I'm still good with it. I've been playing FO4 all day. I really wanna play RCT for some reason. The other day I was waxing over Paper Mario 64. Lex just sent me a cool mod for Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge. Super-down to play those, actually. Burning that off in prep for Horizon Zero Dawn. I'm even still playing newer games than that over a couple of years later. I played Cyberpunk 2077 with no major performance issues. So I see the market and I just have no urge. But I digress...
I'm constantly gathering interests that aren't cheap, on a blue-collar paycheck. The way I do it is to rotate and in most other ways live about as simply as possible. I kind of prefer that in my living situation, anyway. I'm single and cheap. I do nothing. I invest in the things most dear to me - I'm buying the time spent. It's easy when you're in this situation to try and 'fill the void' with stuff. So you have to ask yourself what your stuff is to you and really take it seriously. Shit's gotta count for more than just "I want it."
Best part? At some point, I might miss a couple of years of games. But do you know where I'm going to be when I DO get that brand new GPU and start gazing upon all of the hot newness? I'm going to shoot into outer space and not come back for at least two years. If I ever seem overly bright-eyed about games, that is why. I only follow them in big spurts.
It's all a long game with expensive stuff. I enjoy a 'modest' headphone setup... maybe $3k in there. But most of those purchases are years apart. There's an appreciation you get when you take your time with your purchases. I always remind myself that I don't need it. By the time I buy, I know that's mine for a long time. So I can be very out of sight out of mind. Even when I have the money. It's always gonna be there, till I spend it. And that item may go away, but there will never be a shortage of new luxury items to buy. That's the illusion. A luxury item is something not everyone can have. This is only true of the individual items though. That gotta have it feeling works out real well for sellers in a lot of markets like these. It's why I make it a point to treat each purchase as significant and always maintain that mindset of making them count. There is life outside of computers.