To run something like mining, is I don't believe anything much more different than the World Grid Computing or even Folding At Home.
See its not the case of who's finishing first but what's the most efficient and effective way of doing something. Example. 3090 we can pick on. Buy something nearly twice the price of a 3080 or even better a 3070. The 3090s get very hot with the memory they use (same as the 3080s but not so much...) and produce not a massively great hash rate. If miners can save a few hundred watts in their systems, they will do so, because it's just eating into their profits. Having solar panels and batteries etc. to help with the power costs is great plus helps with the environment as well.. But the problem you'll have is some countries are cheap with electric and others are completely over the top expensive for whatever reason (I've no idea, just saying there's always a difference/variance)
Along comes the 3070s... Half the hash rate of a 3090 say, but less than half of the power used and it costs say for argument, a third or more of the price. Now if you can get things equally, which are you going to buy??
You don't need to worry about the RAM or TJunction temps in the 3070s because they don't use GDDR6X for a kick off and with that don't have to take apart most cards to get the temps to drop down a bit. More time and money away from your profits.
The 3060/3070 heck even the 1660 or 1660 Supers and whatever else is out there, are fairly decent to mine on. They sip the power, they aren't normally so expensive, what's not to like at this point? I love the hardware whatever I get my hands on, but then it's not just this I can get it too do should my PC/s be on all the time.
Thing with mining is like with anything, you can control how long it runs or doesn't, it doesn't need to run 24/7 if you don't want it to, just means the profits won't be as much. If your a gamer who's got some cards, makes some pennies and is able to buy a new card from it eventually, are you telling me you wouldn't give it a try and see how it works for you?....
I think that might not be quite 100% the case because of Crypto but I respect the opinion
I think this pandemic has just amplified all things crappy with things and like GPU sales, items not being in a plentiful stock it's making things hard and harder to get hold of.
I remember something ages ago which always stuck in my head, was on Top Gear of all things (if its 100% true or not I really don't know) but it's said that here in the UK, we produce just 5% more than what is required for our electric. So when you think that electric can be/is used for pretty much everything and now even cars of all things, how is that going to affect the infrastructure when everything relies on something that producing takes years to put together, isn't environment friendly and if there's a shortage like now, they'll just charge you more for it. I mean that's just really does boggle my little brain on a few levels and whilst I'm definitely not a rocket scientist, I do get questions in my head about the whole situation....