I don't pay scalper prices either and I try to only buy from a reputable source or company
The UK electric prices aren't good but they are still profitable just not as much as if your in the States or in China... And then it comes to how much you wish to mine, 24/7, 12/3 or whatever it is. I always would suggest budget for what you can do don't over push just in case. There's always the off button
Keep the 2070 and the 980 Ti I'd say... You never know when a decent GPU might be needed, regardless of the crap going on right now with pricing.. Having that spare just in case is always a bonus
Could always knock up a spare rig and let it run WCG or FAH if you wished to give it a go
Again you could just buy it, some prefer to mine it
It's the timing game I think... Get in at the right time you'll be quids in so to speak... Trying to get in now? Wouldn't even bother....