Hi !
Hugh, last post from Nov last year. Really, no follow-ups since purchase ? That's interesting, either it's so good that no one is looking for solutions/support and everyone is enjoying their keyboards.... or nobody actually bought it ? ;]
Anyway, here are my comments after about 6 months of using it (not much - limited time spent
@home due to various reasons in this period):
1. Generally no issues with build quality and stability. It works.
2. I don't like cables they give you they are too stiff - to the point that numpad when on cable can't be positioned freely if -> if you bend it it to put numpad closer to keyboard it will push it back, rise it etc. Basically you can put it only with cable straight more or less far away from keyboard.
3. This one is weird - after 6 months I still can't get used to it. I keep making more tying errors that with my previous keyboard. I don't get it...
4. The screen buttons are badly designed. -> a. click is not good, not tactile and clicky as it should and screen at viewing normal potion is pale, no colors terrible. But from top is great. It make's no sense to put nice color screen with descent resolution to not enjoy it from normal usage position 2.
5. Scroll wheel (knob) on main screen is slippery it's far from perfect. At beginning didn't feel like an issue - but in time it bothers me a little bit.
And last but not least software:
I don't know if anyone else noticed that - but for me it's an obvious function that we are missing.
When your screen is set to display static information - like logo or even better - clock ! You can't do anything. To change the volume you have to click 50 times to get to the volume menu.
Wouldn't it be great if we could choose on what screen (if they are not using rotating knob for any function - Clock, Logo, etc) we can have knob working as volume/sound dial ?
It seems to be like obvious function - basic even.
Imagine you are displaying the time and date always. And each time you want to adjust volume - double click to exit time display, look for volume menu, enter adjust volume, double click to go back to menu find clock screen click it. -> all this while knob does nothing while displaying time..... Wasted opportunity.
What do you think about this volume "issue" ?