I think that bigger downfall of that post is that fan spec data collection methods are undisclosed and they are likely aren't accurate. I dunno, I start to feel that generic 7 blader is one of the best fan shapes and everything else is trying to deviate from it for deviation's sake.
If you decide to do any testing, please test generic 7 blade fan.
Welcome to the real world kid
You are most likely correct. And that's just the nature of the free free market and corporations. Make all the money you can while spending next to nothing to do so.
But i feel the truth is some fans are better than others. the question is will they be better for your specific application and are they worth the cost.
If you want to really know something is right, you must do it yourself. Else you will always have the what if in your mind. The old say go's "if you want something done right you gotta do it your self" i would like to think everyone has heard this but in todays world i'm pretty sure many have not.
I guess what i'm saying is until you get your hands on these differnt fans for your self and conduct the test you want to do. you might always have questions.
Have you seen the Aero Shark fans before?
I used 4 of these on a friends build he had a 420mm rad that had really low FPI and was pretty thick. These things were pretty quiet at full speed but they worked so well on his 2600k and 7950x even with a solid OC we just left the fans on something like 70~80% speed that thing was dead silent and the temps were insanely low(maybe it was not dead silent it was years ago but i know it was very quiet, i still have one of these fans in my other pc as exhaust and its running full speed and i can barely hear it). Granted this rad was mounted to the top of the pc out side of the case and had almost no obstructions other than the fan grills we put on top. Really turned out to be a sweet setup.
I was very surprised how well these fans did for low pressure air flow. at first look i thought they would be terrible and they probably would be on a high fpi rad or anything restrictive. kinda neat looking and unique fan design tho.