Sorry to hear about the feeling broke at the moment, saving for a house is not an easy thing to do even with all the wages coming in and paying nothing out... I hope you can get that sorted out soon as! Glad to hear the car is back up and running... Still with the Mazda am I right??
I've already had mine but it never did anything to me.. My first, well, that was a pain in the arse... Temperature, no energy, aches all over and headaches too... wasn't fun at all but I'm glad I did it whilst I was at work for the middle of the week lol Had the rest of the week off!
I'm not so great at the moment really, I've actually got COVID which we've no idea how or where its come from but my youngest caught it somehow as she was at nursery and the Mrs's got a call to go pick her up as she had a high temp and then they said about asking for her to have test done... Got the test done, turned out she had it. That afternoon she was so quiet it was unreal and since she's been her usual noisy self
Did a test with the Mrs's and my eldest daughter and it turned out I had it... So had a PCR test and day later I'm quarantined for 10 days lol
(Reminds me of the Red Dwarf episode...) but aside from the lack of energy and feeling in my legs, I'm alright
A bit frustrated for my eldest she her birthday is coming up and we can't really do anything for her so I know its frustrating her. My youngest doesn't seem to care as she's watching Boss Baby and The Grinch and she's has happy as lol
Hopefully not a long time now until I can feel better, they want me working from home Monday as I'm off this week but I'm not so sure, might just take the time off..... lol
But time for an early night and I'm going to attempt the WCG FAH and Rosetta updates tomorrow with some luck
Take care everyone!!