@W1zzard @qualk
There could be other reasons like different memory chips (count of ranks?), video bus (64/128bit?) and VBIOS configurations.
And too ... there is a chance, that rBAR is already on, but can only use less VRAM range.
The legacy "normal" range is 256 MiB, the CPU has to flip a lot for full RAM range (p.e. 6GiB, 8GiB, 16GiB) and loose their some cycles (more latency).
The "new" rBAR range is ??? GiB/TiB, the CPU has not to flip for full RAM range (p.e. 6GiB, 8GiB, 16GiB) and loose no cycles (no additional latency).
What are possible with your RX5600 series graphics cards, we don't know exactly.
If it's 1024 MiB (respectively 1GiB) rBAR range, there could be a little advantage of less latency.
With your hardware combination (better CPU, lesser GPU) than mine, you get even less benefit of it.
In my games I can't see any big difference between rBAR/SAM on or off. Maybe later in the future.
For this games I have too much high graphics options. If you play competetive games, than I hope you get some benefit.
Hopefully we'll find a way/workaround/more serenity or it could be fixed by somebody or company.
Best regards